Using GitHub with VSCode
GitHub setup/Integration with VS code==> 1. Download source release 2.23.0 for Windows from ==> A) install in ==> c:\program files\git B) deselect ==> windows explore integration c) now finish install process 2. meanwhile create new 'Portfolio' name repository in 3. VS Code => open terminal window (ctrl+`) and check the git version by ==> git --version 4. Your Identity- The first thing you should do when you install Git is to ==> set your user name and email address. A) git config -- global "vikas576" B) git config -- global viks****** 4. If you want to check your configuration settings, you can use the ==> git config --list ******Upto this Git is installed into your VS Code and configured username and user email.***** How to add project from GitHub to Local System ? Now we h...