Using GitHub with VSCode

GitHub setup/Integration with VS code==>

1.  Download source release 2.23.0 for Windows from ==>
    A)  install in ==> c:\program files\git
    B) deselect ==> windows explore integration
    c) now finish install process

2. meanwhile create new 'Portfolio' name  repository in

3. VS Code => open terminal window (ctrl+`) and check the git version by ==> git --version

4. Your Identity-  The first thing you should do when you install Git is to ==> set your user name and email address.
A)  git config --global "vikas576"
B)  git config --global viks******

4. If you want to check your configuration settings, you can use the ==>  git config --list

 ******Upto this Git is installed into your VS Code and configured username and user email.*****

How to add project from GitHub to Local System ?

 Now we have to pull new  repository 'portfolio', which we have created earlier in GitHub

5. Type command in VS Code ==> ctrl+shft+p ==> git:clone
  A) enter repository url here ==>
  B) enter local folder path where to import/pull git repository in your system.
  c) popup message will appear==> Would you like to open the cloned repository, or add it to the                current workspace? ==>  press open

 6. Git clone is ready at your system...

 7. but still last work is remainig ==> when you push to your project ==> synch your GitHub account.

*********    Now you can perform pull and push operation in your project     ************

How to add Existing project from Local System to GitHub New Repository(Create New Repository)?

1. Did you init a local Git repository, into which this remote is supposed to be added?
   A) Does your local directory have a .git folder?
   B) Try command==> git init

2. If recieving error ==> fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
   please  follow the below command and ofcourse run in your terminal.

A) echo "# DataStructures" >>
B) git init
C) git add
D) git commit -m "first commit"
E) git remote add origin
F) git push -u origin master

or push  a project from local system  to an existing repository (already existing repository on github)

A) git remote add origin
B) git push -u origin master


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