class binding

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-class-bind',
// templateUrl: './class-bind.component.html',
<h4 class="text-danger"> danger with simple text-danger class </h4>
<h4 class="{{textSuccess}}"> success class with string interpolation </h4>
<h4 [class]="textInfo"> Info with class property binding </h4>
<h4 [class]="textInfo" class="text-big"> Property binding and class attribute used together=> class attr will elapsed. like here text-big is not working </h4> <br>
<h4 [class.text-alert]="hasAlert"> conditionally use of single class "text-alert"==> for this class property is followed by class name.<p> //use single class conditoinally==> change the boolean value to display the effect of condition . </p> <p> //if true then text-alert class will apply otherwise the color of text will be black.</p> </h4> <br>
<h4 [ngClass]="messageClasses" > use multiple class by ngClass directive of angular </h4>
<h4 [className]="textSuccess"> use of ClassName attribute -- we can also put shorthand "class" instead of "className" </h4>
<h4 [class.text-alert]="setMessageClass()"> use of muffets for class binding. </h4>

// styleUrls: ['./class-bind.component.css']
styles: [`
export class ClassBindComponent implements OnInit {

public textDanger= "text-danger";
public textSuccess= "text-success";
public textPrimary= "text-primary";
public textInfo= "text-info";
public textItalic= "text-italic";
public textBig= "text-big";
public textDark ="text-dark";

// use single class conditoinally==> change the boolean value to display the effect of condition .
// if true then text-alert class will apply otherwise the color of text will be black.
// first define class name in property and then set another property for the boolean value/flag, so that we can conditionally use them.

public hasSuccess =true;
public hasError = false;
public hasAlert= true;
public textbold= true;
return this.hasSuccess;

// use [ngClass] directive for to use conditionally multiClasses together
// classes which have true will be applied.
public messageClasses = {
"text-dark": this.textbold,

public multipleClasses = {


constructor() { }

ngOnInit() {



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